Rachel founded Heartwood Arts Therapy after graduating from Whitecliffe College of Arts & Design with a Masters of Arts in Arts Therapy. Heartwood Arts Therapy’s focus is to connect clients to their core self or wise mind; a place of resilience, trust, and unconditional love. Just like connecting a tree to the heartwood. Trauma can separate us from this connection. By learning tools of self-expression and self-compassion, we may learn to heal these wounds and come back to ourselves. 


As Rachel is herself neurodivergent (diagnosed with autism), she specialises in working with people on the spectrum and others who feel that that they don’t quite ‘fit’ in the world. She operates under a neurodiversity-affirming practice, seeing these as natural differences and not to be fixed. These differences can reveal unique gifts that no one else can offer, so embracing them can be empowering. 

Rachel has over 8 years experience working as a creative arts therapist with clients who have autism and those who do not. She welcomes anyone who resonates with this message to her therapy waka. In her free time she enjoys gaming, reading up on her latest special interests, walking out in nature and dance.